9:03 Introductions: (If necessary)
9:06 Announcements
Next Garden GM Meeting – Saturday, July 14th at 10:00 A.M. In the Garden
Ground Breaking for EPP Soccer Field and Baseball
Diamond: Thursday July 12th
at 4:30 PM in the Park
EPIC General Membership Meeting – Thursday Junly12th
at 6:30 P.M. at the East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center at 2307 17th
Ave. S
Community Garden Day Saturday August 11th - Orientation June 13th from 6:00 to
8:00PM at Coffee Bene in St. Paul
Phillips Clean Sweep
- October 13th 9:00 AM
to 1:00 PM - Starts
with Free Breakfast at Welna’s Parking Lot & Ends with Free Lunch & Entertainment
at Stewart Park
EPC 17th Ave. Garden Fall Harvest Party
October 20th
9:10 Approve Agenda:
9:13 Approve the following:
May 5th
SC Minutes
June 2nd
SC Minutes
June 9th
GM Minutes
9:25 Discuss
Plan for front of shed: Approve if possible in a reasonable time.
9:30 Discuss
Garden Boulevard Plan: Approve if possible in a reasonable time.
9:35 Discuss
Children’s Garden Policy: Approve if possible in a reasonable time.
9:45 Finances (Current to date)
Fees collected to date:
Plot Fees Key Fee Donations Balance to date Non-Cash Don.
$780.00 $50.00 $150.00 $980.00 $38.71
Less Expenses to date -------------------------------- $775.31
2012 Cash Balance to date: --------------------------- $204.69
Plus 2011 Ending Cash Balance: ------------------- $166.88
Total Cash on hand to date: ------------------------- $371.57
Fees collected to date:
Plot Fees Key Fee Donations Balance to date Non-Cash Don.
$780.00 $50.00 $150.00 $980.00 $38.71
Less Expenses to date -------------------------------- $775.31
2012 Cash Balance to date: --------------------------- $204.69
Plus 2011 Ending Cash Balance: ------------------- $166.88
Total Cash on hand to date: ------------------------- $371.57
10) 9:47 2012 Budget (Passed 3/10/2012)
Water conservation is working – Last Water bill was
11) 9:49 Unpaid Plots: 6, 18, 23, 25, 26, 28A, 28B, = $225.00 Due (Includes $30.00 Bounced Check
12) 9:50 See Carrie Ann Johnson’s agenda suggestions
for the July 14th GM meeting Below
13) 9:55 Garden
Work Days follow each Garden General Membership Meeting:
Clear out raspberries encroaching in garden &
replant starts along fence.
Empty trash bin
Renew/refresh compost bins
Bring Garden weeds under control
Finish preparing Butterfly Garden for planting
perennials (weed)
Beauty on boulevard and alley exterior to fence.
See Garden Task Book in the shed
for other options and Enter your time
in the Garden Task Book
14) 9:58 Fall
Harvest Party and other Garden parties and events Bonnie Brabson is volunteer organizer
Adjourn at 10:00 A.M.
Carrie Ann’s Proposal #1:
We should research native plant and animal groups and seek funding in exchange for creating habitat for the animals and/or plants they wish to conserve (e.g. maintain a Butterfly Garden for Monarchs, setup a program to provide educational access regarding monarch biology, seek a small grant through the Monarch Butterfly Fund.)
Reason: This proposal could help us secure additional funding, as well as providing benefits back to the community (through education), our environment (conserving links on the the food chain), and our garden (pollinators will pollinate our food for us!).
Carrie Ann’s Proposal #2:
We should DEVELOP A PLAN to replace all non-native, non-FOOD-BEARING flora in the garden and as possible, replace with deep-rooted, pollinator-friendly, drought-tolerant plants.
Reason: Our garden is currently overwrought with aggressive invasive species like Thistle, Kentucky Bluegrass, Curly Dock, etc. that invade into our garden plots and spread seeds into our neighbor's yard. These non-native invasives provide little benefit to pollinators. While the project would require an upfront investment in work, it would result in long-term easy maintenance for the garden, both in our plots and outside of them. Native plants have deeper roots, provide myriad benefits to local fauna, and are better capable of withstanding drought (which we are in one right now), which means their ability to draw water up from the water table below will HELP our garden plot's stay moister more consistently.
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