Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden
Committee Meeting Minutes
23rd, 2013
Meeting was recorded. A thumb drive with all
recorded meetings is in the Garden Shed. Take the thumb drive home, download
what you want and return it to the shed ASAP.
10:05 AM Brad Pass called the meeting to order &
Lynn Mayo agreed to take notes.
First Garden General Membership Meeting – Saturday April 13th at 10:00 A.M. In the Garden.
Plots assigned, Fees Collected & Work group sign up
Next Garden Steering Committee Meetings –
Saturday April 6th
at 9:00 A.M. At East Phillips Park
Saturday May 4th
at 9:00 A.M. At East Phillips Park
GMM & Steering Committee Elections – May 11th
at 10:00 AM In the Garden. Steering Committee Elections.
Bike Racks.
Brad reported that EPIC and Mpls. paid for two bike
racks for the Garden. One of the first Work Group Projects will be to install
2012 Finances
Plot Fees, Keys & Donations Beginning Balance Non-Cash Don. Cash
$1,010.00 $166.88 $575.29 $1,176.88
(Balance on M. Earth & Bachman’s Gift Cards) $262.35
Plot Fees, Keys & Donations Beginning Balance Non-Cash Don. Cash
$1,010.00 $166.88 $575.29 $1,176.88
(Balance on M. Earth & Bachman’s Gift Cards) $262.35
Total Cash Expenses: $949.26
Cash Balance $227.62
Cash Balance $227.62
Card Balance: $217.19
2012 Notes; EPIC donated $248.90 for Bike Racks. The City of Mpls. donated the rest.
2012 Notes; EPIC donated $248.90 for Bike Racks. The City of Mpls. donated the rest.
Gardeners donated $150.00 cash and Brad Pass Donated
$575.29 in materials
$180.00 is due from unpaid Garden Fees
2013 Notes; EPIC will donate the ongoing annual
Property Taxes $467.30 in 2013
Garden has a positive cash balance from 2012 of $227.62
regarding the EPIC offer to donate money to pay the Real Estate Taxes;
Since much of the money EPIC receives, comes from
governmental entities it turns out it is not possible for EPIC to give it back
to governmental entities in the form of real-estate tax payments. Therefore,
EPIC will donate $450.00 to the garden to cover the budget item we call
"OTHER". This item includes such expenditures as Garden Tools,
Materials for Garden repairs, Garden celebrations and etc.
c. Lynn
suggested placing a value on volunteer garden labor such as that provided by AmeriCorps
and the gardeners. This might make it easier to show in-kind donations for the
purpose of matching future grants. It was decided to look into a way to itemize
these contributions.
2013 Budget.

EPIC has offered to pay Property Taxes (See NOTE Above)
Water is variable
depending on seasonal precipitation and water conservation
“Other” includes
Fall Harvest Party, Garden Tools, Maintenance and Supplies.
Historically we
have been unable to collect 9% of the fees. To cover this shortage, it was
decided that the budget shall include this 9% thus providing money to help
those who cannot pay.
2013 East Phillips Community 17th Ave Garden Budget, as shown above
is approved. Motion made by Linda Leonard Seconded by Kevin
Chavis. Motion passed
Our thanks to EPIC for
their significant financial help
2013 Plot Fee .
a. $25.00 X 35 Plots = $875.00
b. $30.00 X 35 Plots = $1,050.00 $ 26.00
c. $35.00 X 35 Plots = $1,225.00 $148.00
d. Discussion: A range of plot fees, $25.00 to $35.00, was
discussed. All discussion included the option of donating more for those who
can. Tying plot fees to income or ability to pay was rejected as an option
because the Steering Committee does not want to require access to gardeners
personal finances.
MOTION: The East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden’s 2013 Plot Fee shall be $30.00 with more requested from those who are able These extra donations may be used to help gardeners with their plot fee at the discretion of the Steering Committee..
Motion made by Kevin Chavis, Seconded by Jennie Bjorgo. Passed unanimously
MOTION: The East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden’s 2013 Plot Fee shall be $30.00 with more requested from those who are able These extra donations may be used to help gardeners with their plot fee at the discretion of the Steering Committee..
Motion made by Kevin Chavis, Seconded by Jennie Bjorgo. Passed unanimously
2013 Garden Use Agreement
Discussion: Brad passed out the Proposed 2013 Garden Use Agreement and pointed out the few changes from last year’s agreement which consistes of date changes, the updated and newly adopted budget and a change to the Garden meeting Quarum requirement resulting from an EPIC Board decision to allow ANY EPIC Board member to fulfill the quorum requirement which states that ONE EPIC Board member must be present.
MOTION: The 2013 East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden Use Agreement as amended is approved. The Agreement is appended to these minutes.
Motion made by Jennie Bjorgo, seconded by Linnea Haddaway Passed unanimously
Discussion: Brad passed out the Proposed 2013 Garden Use Agreement and pointed out the few changes from last year’s agreement which consistes of date changes, the updated and newly adopted budget and a change to the Garden meeting Quarum requirement resulting from an EPIC Board decision to allow ANY EPIC Board member to fulfill the quorum requirement which states that ONE EPIC Board member must be present.
MOTION: The 2013 East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden Use Agreement as amended is approved. The Agreement is appended to these minutes.
Motion made by Jennie Bjorgo, seconded by Linnea Haddaway Passed unanimously
6) Gardener
a. Garden
Work Groups and Policy
Last year the Garden Group decided to adopt a Work Group concept to achieve better community spirit in the garden while helping gardeners accomplish their work requirement which is necessary for the upkeep of the Garden.
Last year the Garden Group decided to adopt a Work Group concept to achieve better community spirit in the garden while helping gardeners accomplish their work requirement which is necessary for the upkeep of the Garden.
Gardener Lindsay
Fenner and a small task force defined the following eight Work Groups:
1. Weeding/Pest Control
2. Tools-Tool shed-Building and Repair
3. Public Face
4. Mowing- Paths- Surveying
5. Herbs and Butterfly Garden
6. Fruit and Berries
7. Compost
8. Community Outreach-Celebration
They created a
signup sheet incorporating a task list for each Work Group (appended to these
Consider what
works group or groups you would like to be a part of. We will sign up for them
on Saturday, April 13th at 10:00 AM at East Phillips Park.
Garden Work requirement shall be raised to 6 hours per plot. This work must be accomplished in accordance with the new Work
Group system and must be
work on the Garden over and above work on the individual’s own Garden Plot. Motion made
by Jemmie Bjorgo, seconded by Lynn Mayo. Passed unanimously
Discussion: A better method
of keeping track of hours worked and tracking needed work such as watering and weeding is needed. It was decided to
allocate another Steering
Committee Meeting to this discussion;
Saturday, April 6th
9:00 AM
East Phillips Park
The agenda will include:
The agenda will include:
1. Garden Work Group paperwork
2. Seward Co-op Grant opportunity
3. Grape vine Lice
b. Plots
must be planted by June 8th (or they will be reassigned)
c. Water (Conserve Water – use rain barrel water FIRST)
d. Plot Fees are due on plot assignment. Contact SC member for an
Alternate Payment Plan
7) Plot Map
a. There are 8 Garden Plots available with 3 New
gardeners on the wait list and one who would like to trade for a larger plot.
b. If you know of any East Phillips residents who would
like to garden, ask them to send all their contact information to Brad Pass, bpass@usinternet.com, 612-916-8478
c. If you know of any gardeners who will NOT be returning
this year contact Brad as well.
CALL your friends who gardened last year . We need to know
if they are returning.
Adjourn at 10:05
East Philips Community 17th Ave Garden
Use Agreement
2428 17th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN Year:
The East Philips Community 17th Ave Garden (the Garden) is owned by the East Phillips Improvement Coalition (EPIC) and serves the East Philips Neighborhood. Distribution of garden plots will be accomplished based on those prospective Gardeners who attend the First Garden Meeting of the year, generally the second Saturday in April, and will be based on the following priorities:
East Philips residents
who participated in the previous year.
Residents of the
East Philips neighborhood.
Alumni of the
garden who have moved out of the neighborhood.
The Garden Group consists of
the people who have signed the current Garden Use Agreement, have paid this
year’s Garden Plot Fee and who garden in the East Phillips Community 17th
Ave. Garden (the gardeners).
The five members of the Garden Steering Committee come from two groups, the
gardeners and the EPIC Board of Directors. The gardeners elect four gardeners
to the committee who serve two year staggered terms. Elections are held at the
May GM Meeting. Quorum consists of any EPIC director and two of the four
gardeners on the committee. The Garden
Group and Steering Committee hold open meetings and seek input from the
gardeners. The Garden General Membership
Meetings will be on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM, in the garden, during the gardening
season. The Garden Steering Committee will meet on the 1st Saturday
of each month at 9:00 AM in the East Phillips Park Cultural & Community
Center at 2307 17th Ave. S. during the gardening season (March or April through
October). Any changes or special meetings will be announced one week in advance
on the Garden Bulletin Board and/or by E-mail.
Garden Steering Committee
responsibilities include:
Providing EPIC
with the Garden Use Agreement signed by all current Gardeners each spring
Creating a budget
for approval by the full Garden Group to be presented to the EPIC Board
Directing fund
raising efforts and assuring that garden bills are
Arranging for the
water to be turned on in the spring and off in the fall.
Coordinating the
distribution of plots to the gardeners
Notifying and
convening regular open democratic meetings of the Garden Group and Steering
Seeing to the
upkeep of the garden
Maintaining safe
and legal conditions in the garden.
2013 Budget
Paid by
Property Tax
Unpaid Plots (9%)
between EPIC and the Garden Group.
Each gardener in the Garden Group agrees
to maintain his/her Garden Plot and the property in its entirety, including
shoveling sidewalks, mowing grass, controlling weeds, removing litter and
emptying the boulevard trash receptacle. Each Gardener also agrees to give up
his/her plot by the 2nd Saturday in June - if he/she has not paid
the Garden Plot Fee or agreed to an alternative payment plan – OR - if he/she fails to garden his/her plot by the
2nd weekend in June as spelled out in garden policies.
Each gardener agrees to hold
harmless the Garden Group and owners of the land for any liability, damage,
loss or claim that occurs in connection with the use of the garden by them or
their guests. By signing this document,
each gardener attests that he or she has read, and will abide by this agreement
and all Garden Policies imposed by EPIC and/or enacted by the Garden Group.
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