Saturday, May 18, 2013

EPIC Garden Membership Minutes 05-18-13

East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden
General Membership Meeting Minutes
May 18th, 2013

            Meeting was recorded

Steering Committee Members: Brad Pass, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Lynn Mayo
Gardeners: Lindsey Fenner, Margaret Kirkpatrick, Tulaeri Chapagai, Vidya Shanker, Laverne Turner, Jackie Loubert, Jaclyn Cigdemian, Carol June Leonard, Nanda Neopane,  Khem Neupane, Duba Chapagai, Emrys Stramer
Guests: Rosemary Fister, Jhamye Shori, O M Nath,

1)      10:00 AM Brad Pass called the meeting to order & Lynn Mayo agreed to take notes.

2)      Introductions

3)      Announcements
a.      Garden Steering Committee Meetings are on the 1st Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM at the East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center. All are invited
b.      Garden General Membership Meetings are on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10:00 in the Garden
c.       Arbor Day is being celebrated at the Community Center. Two hundred Trees will be planted
d.      Grand opening Celebration of the Playing Fields at East Phillips Park will be held on May 30th at 6:00 PM.  Carol reported that the reason we have two new soccer fields and a baseball diamond is because a large group of Latino youth delivered hundreds of petitions to County Commissioner Peter McLaughlin asking for funding for soccer fields in East Phillips Park.

4)      Garden Finances:
a.       We collected $505.00 in plot fees, key fees and donations at the April 13th Meeting
b.      If we collect the $30.00 Plot fee from all the remaining plots we will receive another $660.00
c.       EPIC has Committed $450.00 to the Garden
d.      This totals $1,615.00
e.       Property Taxes of $467.30 were paid prior to the 5/15/2013 deadline leaving $1,147.70
f.       Remaining budgeted expenses are $1,076.27. This should leave a positive balance of $71.43
g.       Brad sent out letters requesting past due plot fees or an “Alternate Payment Plan” to 6 gardeners.
h.      Plot Fees totaling $170.00 are still due from the 2012 Garden Season from Gardeners who have not paid. They must do so or complete an “Alternate Payment Plan” and present it to a Steering Committee Member

5)      Steering Committee Elections:
a.       The Garden Steering Committee consists of Four Gardeners elected from the ranks of the Gardeners. They serve two year staggered terms. A fifth Steering Committee member comes from the ranks of the EPIC Board of Directors. A Quorum for any Garden Meeting consists of any EPIC director and two of the four Gardeners elected to the committee.
b.      The current Steering Committee members elected from the ranks of the gardeners are Brad Pass, Lynn Mayo, Kevin Chavis and Linnea Hadaway. Any EPIC Board Member may serve as the fifth Steering Committee Member, Carol Pass, Jenny Bjorgo and Linda Leonard are EPIC Board members who are typically in attendance.
c.       Brad Pass and Lynn Mayo are up for reelection if they wish to continue serving
d.      Brad Pass will run for another two year term.
e.       Lynn Mayo has chosen not to run
NOTE: Brad turned the meeting over to Linda Leonard to chair the elections.
f.       Linnea Hadaway and Kevin Chavis have another year to serve
g.       Lindsey Fenner who developed the Work Group Concept has agreed to run
h.      The slate of candidates put forward by the Current Steering Committee is”
                                                              i.      Brad Pass &
                                                            ii.      Lindsey Fenner
i.        Nominations for other candidates will be recognized at the meeting
j.        Each Garden Plot gets one vote in the election – SO - if there are two or more gardeners from any plot, determine who will cast your one vote.
k.      MOTION:   The Gardeners accept the Steering Committee Slate of Brad Pass and Lindsey Fenner
l.        Open Nominations from the floor
m.    There were no other nominations and nominations were closed.
n.      Lynn Mayo introduce and spoke for candidate Lindsey Fenner. Margaret Kirkpatric introduced Brad Pass and spoke for him.
o.      MOTION:   The Gardeners accept Brad Pass and Lindsey Fenner for a two year term on the Garden Steering Committee. Margaret Kirkpatrick made the motion and it was seconded by Lynn Mayo. Motion passed unanimously.
NOTE: Linda Leonard turned the meeting back to Brad Pass

6)      Garden Plot Map – updated to reflect addition of six new gardeners.
Brad pointed out that there are 35 garden plots in spite of the fact that the plot map shows 36. There is no plot #29 for some unknown reason.

7)      Wait List: Four prospective gardeners are on the Wait list. After the meeting, remaining plots will be assigned

8)      Gardener Obligations:
a.      Gardeners in each plot must put in at least 6 hours of work on Garden projects other than their own Plot
b.      Plots must be planted by June 8th  (or they will be reassigned)
c.       Water (Conserve Water – use rain barrel water FIRST)
d.      The water valve in the shed must be turned off and the shed and garden gates must be locked at all times when no Gardeners are in the Garden!!!
e.       Plot Fees are due on plot assignment. Contact SC member for an Alternate Payment Plan if necessary

9)      Appoint Work Group (WG) Facilitators:
a.      Lindsey gave a synopsis of the Work Group concept and explained each group.
b.      Carol suggested a garden get-together early in the season to help involve everyone in the Work Groups. She volunteered for the Community Outreach WG
c.       Margaret asked about priorities for the Weeding/Pest Control WG. It was agreed that the first priority should be Thistle removal, then Creeping Charley. Also the area next to the sidewalk on the East side of the garden was important as it was what was seen from the street.
d.      Brad said that anyone who sees a need should feel free to correct it even if they are not on that particular WG. Further, if they spend time on it they should log the time after their name in the Garden Task Book and make a note of what they did in the Comments section. In other words, keep track of your hours in the one Work Group page you have signed up for to make it easier to tally each gardener’s contribution.
e.       Margaret asked that when there are large projects such as installing the pavers in front of the shed and replacing fenceposts that an email or other notification be sent out so others can help.
f.       Brad said that the facilitator for each WG should notify everyone if upcoming projects through the Steering Committee’s email list.
g.       Lindsey reminded us that this is a pilot project and will be improved and changed as needed to make it work.
h.      Brad said that the Work Groups were a cooperative effort to get necessary work done in a cooperative way. He reminded everyone to keep track of their hours in the Garden Task Book in the shed.

10)  Sign up for work groups
The Task Book is going around – sign up for a Work Group.

11)  First Work Group Projects:
a.      Garden Bike Racks
b.      Fencepost replacement

12)  Discuss the starting time of the General Membership Meetings back to 9:00 AM:
Discussion:  Lynn mentioned the Steering Committee’s recommendation that the starting time of the General Membership Meetings remain at 10:00 AM and the Steering Committee meet at 9:00 AM to set up and assess the needs of the garden. The WG Facilitators can also use the 9:00 to 10:00 A.M. time to authorize projects with the Steering Committee and propose project times.
Brad reminded everyone that the Steering Committee Meetings were open to everyone and everyone is invited to come at 9:00 AM on the second Saturday AND everyone is invited to the regular Steering Committee meetings on the First Saturday at 9:00 A.M.
Decision by Acclimation:   There were no objections to the proposed meeting times - 9:00 A.M. for the Steering Committee and Work Group Facilitators, and 10:00 for the start of the General Membership Meetings -  so they were adopted for the 2013 Gardening Season.

13)  Assign available Garden plots and take care of unfinished business:
a.      Brad reported that everything on the agenda had been discussed and in order to respect the time of those who were at the first Garden Meeting, they could leave.
b.      Those who missed the first meeting should stay to sign the Garden use agreement, pay their Plot Fee & sign up for Work Groups.
c.       New Gardeners are required to take the Garden Tour and Orientation. Linnea Hadaway (or any Steering Committee member) will lead the tour

14)  Adjourn

Saturday, May 4, 2013

EPIC Garden Steering Committee Minutes 05-04-13

East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
May 4th, 2013

Meeting was recorded
Steering Committee:  Brad Pass, Lynn Mayo, Linnea Hadaway, Carol Pass, Ali Macalin
1)      9:05 AM Brad Called the meeting to order as a committee of the whole.

2)      Announcements
a.      Garden Steering Committee Meetings are on the 1st Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM at the East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center. All are invited
b.      Garden General Membership Meetings are on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10:00 in the Garden
c.       Steering Committee elections are at the next GMM on May 11th, 2013 at 10:00 in the Garden
d.      Linnea will be available for garden tours after May 22nd

3)      MOTION:   Approve 5/4/13 Steering Committee Agenda as a committee of the whole. Motion made by Linnea and seconded by Lynn. Motion passed.

4)      MOTION:   Approve 4/6/13 Steering Committee Minutes. Motion made by Linnea and seconded by Lynn
Discussion:  Lynn requested that the April 6th Steering Committee minutes be amended to read in item #1, 1st sentence: “…. the lice may not have affected the roots as of yet.” Motion Passed with above change.

5)      MOTION:   Approve 4/13/13 General Membership Meeting. Motion made by Linea and seconded by Brad. Discussion:  Lynn requested clarification of Gardener obligations as recorded in item #10a of the April 13th  General Membership Minutes. The sentence should read:
Gardeners in each plot must put in at least 6 hours each year of work on garden projects other than their own plot.  Motion Passed.

6)      Garden Finances:
a.       We collected $505.00 in plot fees, key fees and donations at the April 13th Meeting
b.      Brad sent out letters by mail requesting past due plot fees to 6 gardeners. One responded with full payment of $10.00 due in 2012.
c.       MOTION:   It was moved that the Garden Plot Fee Payment Policy, revised on 9/11/2010, be further revised to read in paragraph 4, line 5: “US Mail” Note: this change will remove the prohibition against using US Mail to communicate with gardeners who may not have computers and/or internet access. Motion made by Lynn and seconded by Linnea. Motion passed.
d.      Revised letter to non-paying Gardeners
e.       Seward Co-Op Garden Grant is up to $5,000 and is due in Mid-June

7)      Garden Plot Map – updated:
Discussed which gardeners were returning and who were not.
Discussed plot 26 and decided to make a decision Saturday on whether or not to return it to an assignable plot.
Discussed raspberry and grape borders and the need for a strawberry patch and the long term goals of the garden. The Plot map should be updated to show the borders and paths.
Discussed the need for a work group to stake out paths, borders and plots to avoid plot creep

8)      Determine a Steering Committee Slate for the May 11th SC Election:
a.       Election date – May 11,2013
b.      Brad Pass offered to run again and Lynn Mayo would like to defer to Lindsey Fenner who has agreed to run.
c.       Linnea Hadaway and Kevin Chavis have another year to serve
d.      EPIC will appoint an EPIC Board member and any EPIC Board Member may serve at any meeting for the purpose of achieving a quorum.

9)      Discuss the appointment of Work Group Facilitators:
a.      It is important to have steering committee members be work group facilitators so as to make sure work projects and decisions reflect the long term goals of the Garden.
                                                              i.      Linnea – Herb and Butterfly gardens and Plot Survey
                                                            ii.      Lynn -   Fruit & Plot Survey
                                                          iii.      Brad – Shed & Plot Survey
b.      The steering Committee should meet regularly with facilitators and work groups. It was decided this should take place at the regular General membership meetings.
c.       It was also decided the Steering Committee should meet at 9:00 AM on Garden GM Meeting Saturdays to help set-up, plan work projects and assess the needs of the garden.

10)  First Work Group Projects will be determined at the first garden GMM:

11)  Determine and assign available Garden plots (See revised Plot Map)

12)  Discuss Changing the starting time of the General Membership Meetings back to 9:00 AM:
It was decided to keep the 10:00 AM starting time for the GM Meetings and have the Steering Committee meet at 9:00 AM to set-up, plan work projects and assess the needs of the garden.

13)  Quorum was acquired.
Due to the fact that the Democratic Endorsing Convention is next Saturday, May 11, and many gardeners are delegates, it was decided to change the next General Membership Meeting to Saturday, May 18th, 2013 at 10:00 AM. Brad will notify everyone.

   Accept the actions of the Committee of the Whole. Motion Made by Lynn and seconded by Carol. Motion Passed unanimously

14)  At Next Saturday’s GM Meeting:
Every Gardener must sign the Garden Use Agreement, Pay their Plot Fee & sign up for Work Groups

15)  Adjourn at 10:02 AM