Saturday, May 4, 2013

EPIC Garden Steering Committee Minutes 05-04-13

East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
May 4th, 2013

Meeting was recorded
Steering Committee:  Brad Pass, Lynn Mayo, Linnea Hadaway, Carol Pass, Ali Macalin
1)      9:05 AM Brad Called the meeting to order as a committee of the whole.

2)      Announcements
a.      Garden Steering Committee Meetings are on the 1st Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM at the East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center. All are invited
b.      Garden General Membership Meetings are on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10:00 in the Garden
c.       Steering Committee elections are at the next GMM on May 11th, 2013 at 10:00 in the Garden
d.      Linnea will be available for garden tours after May 22nd

3)      MOTION:   Approve 5/4/13 Steering Committee Agenda as a committee of the whole. Motion made by Linnea and seconded by Lynn. Motion passed.

4)      MOTION:   Approve 4/6/13 Steering Committee Minutes. Motion made by Linnea and seconded by Lynn
Discussion:  Lynn requested that the April 6th Steering Committee minutes be amended to read in item #1, 1st sentence: “…. the lice may not have affected the roots as of yet.” Motion Passed with above change.

5)      MOTION:   Approve 4/13/13 General Membership Meeting. Motion made by Linea and seconded by Brad. Discussion:  Lynn requested clarification of Gardener obligations as recorded in item #10a of the April 13th  General Membership Minutes. The sentence should read:
Gardeners in each plot must put in at least 6 hours each year of work on garden projects other than their own plot.  Motion Passed.

6)      Garden Finances:
a.       We collected $505.00 in plot fees, key fees and donations at the April 13th Meeting
b.      Brad sent out letters by mail requesting past due plot fees to 6 gardeners. One responded with full payment of $10.00 due in 2012.
c.       MOTION:   It was moved that the Garden Plot Fee Payment Policy, revised on 9/11/2010, be further revised to read in paragraph 4, line 5: “US Mail” Note: this change will remove the prohibition against using US Mail to communicate with gardeners who may not have computers and/or internet access. Motion made by Lynn and seconded by Linnea. Motion passed.
d.      Revised letter to non-paying Gardeners
e.       Seward Co-Op Garden Grant is up to $5,000 and is due in Mid-June

7)      Garden Plot Map – updated:
Discussed which gardeners were returning and who were not.
Discussed plot 26 and decided to make a decision Saturday on whether or not to return it to an assignable plot.
Discussed raspberry and grape borders and the need for a strawberry patch and the long term goals of the garden. The Plot map should be updated to show the borders and paths.
Discussed the need for a work group to stake out paths, borders and plots to avoid plot creep

8)      Determine a Steering Committee Slate for the May 11th SC Election:
a.       Election date – May 11,2013
b.      Brad Pass offered to run again and Lynn Mayo would like to defer to Lindsey Fenner who has agreed to run.
c.       Linnea Hadaway and Kevin Chavis have another year to serve
d.      EPIC will appoint an EPIC Board member and any EPIC Board Member may serve at any meeting for the purpose of achieving a quorum.

9)      Discuss the appointment of Work Group Facilitators:
a.      It is important to have steering committee members be work group facilitators so as to make sure work projects and decisions reflect the long term goals of the Garden.
                                                              i.      Linnea – Herb and Butterfly gardens and Plot Survey
                                                            ii.      Lynn -   Fruit & Plot Survey
                                                          iii.      Brad – Shed & Plot Survey
b.      The steering Committee should meet regularly with facilitators and work groups. It was decided this should take place at the regular General membership meetings.
c.       It was also decided the Steering Committee should meet at 9:00 AM on Garden GM Meeting Saturdays to help set-up, plan work projects and assess the needs of the garden.

10)  First Work Group Projects will be determined at the first garden GMM:

11)  Determine and assign available Garden plots (See revised Plot Map)

12)  Discuss Changing the starting time of the General Membership Meetings back to 9:00 AM:
It was decided to keep the 10:00 AM starting time for the GM Meetings and have the Steering Committee meet at 9:00 AM to set-up, plan work projects and assess the needs of the garden.

13)  Quorum was acquired.
Due to the fact that the Democratic Endorsing Convention is next Saturday, May 11, and many gardeners are delegates, it was decided to change the next General Membership Meeting to Saturday, May 18th, 2013 at 10:00 AM. Brad will notify everyone.

   Accept the actions of the Committee of the Whole. Motion Made by Lynn and seconded by Carol. Motion Passed unanimously

14)  At Next Saturday’s GM Meeting:
Every Gardener must sign the Garden Use Agreement, Pay their Plot Fee & sign up for Work Groups

15)  Adjourn at 10:02 AM

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