Saturday, June 1, 2013

EPIC Garden Steering Committee Minutes 06-01-13

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
June 1st, 2013

Meeting was recorded

Attendees: Brad Pass, Kevin Chavis, Lindsay Fenner, Linnea Hadaway, Lynn Mayo

1)      9:00 AM call to order & Linnea agreed to take notes .

Kevin Noted that a quorum was not present so the body moved to conduct business as a Committee of the whole

2)      Announcements
a.      Garden Steering Committee Meetings are on the 1st Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM at the East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center. All are invited
b.      Garden General Membership Meetings are on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10:00 in the Garden. The steering Committee will meet at 9:00 A.M.

3)      MOTION:   Approve 6/1/13 Steering Committee Agenda  Linnea made the motion,                                  Lindsey Seconded. Motion Passed

4)      MOTION:   Approve 5/4/13 Steering Committee Minutes  Linnea moved, Lindsay seconded
Linnea noticed that the heading on top of SC minutes mistakenly called them General Membership Meeting Minutes. The correction was made.
Motion Passed.

5)      MOTION:   Approve 5/18/13 General Membership Meeting Minutes  Lindsay

6)      Garden Finances:
a.       We collected $490.00 in plot fees, $30.00 in key fees and $80.00 donations to date. (Total $600.00)
b.      Garden bills paid: Taxes - $467.30, Water - $95.00 (Total Paid $562.30). 2013 Cash balance - $37.70
c.       Past due plot fees from 2012 - $170.00
d.      Plot fees Due for 2013 - $540.00
Kevin asked if we were going to enforce the Plot Fee Policy which states in part that:
Garden Plots which have not been paid and for which there is no approved Alternate Payment Plan will be available for reassignment at the end of the second Garden Meeting of the year (generally the second Saturday in May)
Brad answered, “Yes” but emphasis will be focused on acquiring an Alternative Payment Plan rather than reassigning plots.
Kevin offered to call a particular gardener and request an Alternative Payment Plan by the next meeting.
Brad will update the Plot Map to indicate unpaid Garden Plots

7)      Work Groups:
a.       Assign Facilitators – Steering Committee Mbers
b.      Define Work Projects
                                                              i.      Tools / Tool shed / Fence, Painting & Repair
1.      Bike Racks
2.      Replace fence posts
                                                            ii.      Herbs and Butterfly Garden
1.      Linnea & Lindsey will pick out and order plant for Butterfly Garden
                                                          iii.      Compost
1.      Lynn will work on improving composting and signage
                                                          iv.      Public Face
1.      Kevin’s friend built a little library for the front of the garden
                                                            v.      Fruits and Berries
1.      Lindsey will continue to weed, mulch and tie up raspberries & other fruits

8)      Plan Seward Coop Grant Application (due mid June):
Brad, Linnea, Lindsey and Carol will work on the Seward Co-op Grant
9)      Review revised Garden Plot Map:
a.       Report on untended plots
b.      Call gardeners of untended plots and remind them their plot is subject to reassignment after the 6/8/2013 Garden GM Meeting

10)  Arrange Garden Orientation Tours for new gardeners.
Linnea led new gardeners on Garden Tours

11)  Adjourn at 10:00 A.M.

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