Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Garden Steering Committee Meeting 12.6.21


Garden Steering Committee Meeting Notes

December 6 2021


1)     Tax exemption update

       Classifying the properties as exempt for the 2021 assessment, taxes payable in 2022. This applies to parcels 3502924140051, 3502924140050, 3502924140052, and 3502924140054

       We are approaching a reapplication year in 2022. Exempt properties are required to reapply for property tax exemption every three years on a fixed schedule, regardless of when exemption was originally granted. Reapplication years are 2022, 2025, etc. Because your exemption was granted in the 2021 assessment year, we will need a reapplication for the 2022 assessment year.

       Sarah resubmitted this on 11/10/21


2)     Shoveling - no replies from gardeners - either of you able to cover between December 22 and January 2?


3)     Google Calendar is updated

4)     Budgets

2021 Budget

2021 Budget





EPIC contributes


To Date:

Property Tax
















          Paid plots as of 9/8/21:      765.00


                    Water: 4/29-5/12: $88.56

5/12-6/12: $39.25

6/12-7/12: $27.46

7/12-8/12: $45.86

8/12-9/12: $20.10

9/12-10/12: $9.06

10/12-10/28: $88.56






Garden plot fees


EPIC allocation (Equitable Engagement Fund)



Seward Grant


Total income




Garden Plot Fees




     Food and entertainment


Trash service? Once a week






EPIC allocation


    Tree removal and pruning


    Fence repair labor


    Garden materials (tools, hoses etc)




    Workshops (4 workshops - $200 each)


17th Ave Roundabout? (mulch, compost and reimburse neighbor for water?)


     Fence workshops ($700/day; 2 days)


Harvest Party (without food)


Cherry Party (no food)




Seward Grant


Youth stipends


      Fence materials




Total expenses









Utilities and garden maintenance








    Trash service? Once a week


    Garden materials (tools, hoses etc)


    Tree removal and pruning


Fence Project


    Fence repair labor


      Fence materials


      Fence workshops ($700/day; 2 days)


Youth stipends


      Food ($50 per event)


Outreach and events


17th Ave Roundabout? (mulch, compost and reimburse neighbor for water?)


    Workshops (4 workshops - $200 each + $25 for food/event)


    Cherry event (no food included)


   Harvest Party ($100 for food and entertainment)


Total expenses





Finance Procedures

       Policies and procedures

       need to go by EPIC Operating Policies and Procedures for a lot

       See this document for more details

       make more detailed budget for garden, don’t need further approval for those items?

       process for spending garden plot fee money

       process for spending money allocated by EPIC to garden

       See above policies and procedures

       Process for spending Seward grant money


       Spring - gathering of people interested in giving input, volunteer etc.

       Rosa, Kim Hayden

       Get people who are interested in clean up of roundabout



       Begin with Matt’s proposal for fence - secure fence after trees removed etc.

       Design process

       Stipend artists or other trades

       Metal working, wood working


February - David

Topic for January steering committee meeting?

            -structure and garden use agreement (easily understood document)


       currently general members elect steering committee

       what gives power to the gardeners?

       what are the channels of participation for the general gardeners

       how do policies get made?

       can be done by gardeners

       put together an easily understandable explanation about how the garden fits into EPIC, how the charter fits in etc. to give it context and make it approachable



       Policies and procedures

       need to go by EPIC Operating Policies and Procedures for a lot

       make more detailed budget for garden, don’t need further approval for those items

       process for spending garden plot fee money

       process for spending money allocated by EPIC to garden

       Process for spending Seward grant money


       Outreach and Community

       Intake process

       questions to ask at intake

       preferred way of communication

       preferred way to be involved

       State whether there is a commitment regarding meetings and/or workdays

       what kind of decisions they want to give input about

       centering BIPOC neighbors, tenants and neighbors who historically have less access to land

       Create an outreach plan

       Discuss what type of events/meetings can take place at the garden

       What’s the scope of events at the garden


       Green Infrastructure

       How to cover Gardening tasks

       Mowing, weed whipping, taking care of materials dumped in garden


       Finalize a proposal for fence and tree removal

       Bring to gardeners in spring

       Keep in mind - Seward grant


       Nitty gritty

       revamp garden agreement

       what to expect/ask of gardeners i.e. participate in garden meetings, number of hours volunteer with general upkeep of garden

       Communication list - clean up


Notes on people’s skills:

Lauren: Teamwork, spirituality, network building, facilitating, event planning, permaculture, mycology, and visioning, working with children and adults with special needs

Lindsey: keeping notes, research, keeping track of information, making an agenda so it gets done, ethnobotany, growing things that are drought and climate resilient, things that will support non-human ecosystem

Flo: meeting logistics, helping to set agendas, helping to facilitate, seed to table, educational, especially with young people, weeding, lens based work - photography or videography, PR type stuff

            =Flo would like to be a part of big picture convos

-Flo likes idea of less meetings, and having work groups

Gabe: carpentry, grant writing

Change plot fee because no property tax?


Sliding scale?

city program: They were nice enough to do two loads for free last year but so you know for next year, if we want full 10 cubic yards again we will have to pay for second load (around $130?) because only smaller truck that can hold up to 5 cubic yards can fit under the power lines there. Or we can get it dumped in the alley all 10 cubic yards at once and move it by hand for free.

Would be $780 without trash service

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