Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Garden Organizing Workgroup Meeting 4.21.22

 Garden Organizing Workgroup

Thursday, April 21 2022

  1. Turn water on?

    1. Call next week

  2. Update on compost - we will not receive free compost, will be contacted within 10 days about whether we will be offered for fee compost

    1. Plan to purchase if it is offered - already in our budget - $130

  3. Tree work

    1. Emrys - any news on a date?

      1. Will he need to move the line?

      2. Will look next week, doesn’t think will need to move line

    2. Which parts of the tree work do we need gardener approval - maybe could go either way - remove or not

      1. May 5 on the calendar - fence line trees on the corner

        1. About $450 for those trees, Emrys will have Brandon send over an invoice

  4. Next General Garden Meeting is Saturday May 14. To cover:

    1. Vote on a time for General Garden Meetings going forward: 1st Thursday - ask those who are interested in meetings what time is best

    2. Review and vote 

  1. Draft Charter - Table

  2. Discuss whether to hire a garden coordinator 

    1. One gardener shared via email that they think hiring someone will be crucial in the new structure

    2. One gardener shared they approve of hiring a garden coordinator, said it makes sense especially since the garden requires is so much coordinating

    3. Two gardeners shared it sounds like a great idea

  3. Events, outreach and collaborations: 

    1. Time sensitive

      1. do we want to offer meeting space to plant grow share for irl people's land network meeting/s

        1. Peoples Land Network : Garden Gathering Save the Dates

          1. Tuesday May 17th 5:30-7:30pm

          2. Tuesday July 19th 5:30-7:30pm

          3. Tuesday September 20th 5:30-7:30pm

          4. South Mpls Garden TBD

    2. Larger community level garden stuff

      1. NACDI, LERA

      2. Roundabout

    3. Garden maintenance updates

      1. Fence redesign idea

      2. Tree work

      3. Compost


  1. Mission and vision//big picture

    1. Event policy

    2. Brainstorm and outline process for 

      1. Development, decisions and proposals

  2. Tasks and vision for season

    1. Workdays

    2. Community proposals

    3. Fence redesign

    4. NACDI, LERA

    5. Pruning

    6. Roundabout

    7. Plymouth kids

**What do we need to share with gardeners ahead of time and request feedback/approval on?

Email to GOW:

  1. Propose 1st Thursday for General Garden Meetings - ask what time in the evening is best

  2. Ask for feedback on People’s Land Network - offering our space

  3. Get waivers and contracts to gardeners for signature 

    1. Post at EPIC office on door

    2. Post in garden shed

      1. Along with plot map with names and plot numbers

    3. Can send adobe signs too

  4. Status of resource guide?

    1. Invasive weed guide with pictures-lindsey

    2. Organic growing expectations 

    3. Fire policy

    4. Where to find seeds etc. 

  5. Share with them (in email) - Sarah

    1. Approved budget

    2. Selected Policies that were approved

Open/Available plots/New Gardeners - 4 open plots

Orientation Packet?

Financial Update

Update plot map

Request Litter Supplies from City- do we meet the requirements https://www.minneapolismn.gov/government/programs-initiatives/clean-city/litter-cleanup/litter-cleanup-form/

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