Saturday, April 13, 2013

EPIC Garden Membership Minutes 04-13-13

East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden
General Membership Meeting Minutes
April 13th, 2013

Steering Committee Members Present:  Brad Pass, Linnea Hadaway, Kevin Chavis, Carol Pass
Steering Committee Memebrs Absent:   Lynn Mayo
Gardeners Present:   Marie Holm, Hope Flanagan, Stephanie Olive, Dave Moore, Margaret Kirkpatrick, Darren Konsor, Khem Neopane, Nanda Lol Neopane, Om Nath Poudel, Tila Chapagui, Govinda Dahal, Rosie Cruz, Narinta Katel, Lindsey Fenner

1)      10:05 AM call to order & Linnea Hadaway agreed to take notes.

2)      MOTION:   Approve Agenda.  Motion passed unanimously

3)      Announcements
a.      Garden Steering Committee Meetings are on the 1st Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM at the East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center. All are invited
b.      Garden General Membership Meetings are on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10:00 in the Garden
c.       The EPIC Annual Meeting is Saturday April 27th at 9:30 AM at the East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center. Breakfast is served, door prizes, board elections and info on EPIC Projects.
d.      Steering Committee elections are at the next GMM on May 11th, 2013 at 10:00
e.       Garden Work Groups  (See Handout). Decide which one or ones you would like to sign up for. Sign-up is later in the meeting
f.       Go to your Precinct Caucus on Tuesday.

4)      Brad provided a brief discussion of Garden History and Carol gave background on EPIC’s Ownership

5)      Brad Reviewed the Garden Use Agreement and discussed selected Garden Policies . He then passed out the Garden Use Agreement Sign-in-Sheet

The Gardeners are responsible for $1,093.57 of  the total budget which is $1,543.57.

If all the plots are allocated and each Garden Plot pays $30.00, we will raise $1,050.00 . This is $43.57  short of our goal. Never-the-less, the Steering Committee feels that if those Gardeners who are able, will contribute a little more than the $30.00, then we should be able to keep the Plot Fee at $30.00 and still reach our budget goal.

The SC Recommends a Plot Fee of $30.00 for 2013
Garden Budget and proposed Plot fee: The SC is responsible, for and recommended the following budget.

2013 Budget

Paid by

Property Tax


Unpaid Plots (9%)



7)      MOTION:   The Gardeners Approve the recommended $30.00 Garden Plot Fee. Motion made by Margaret Kirkpatrick, seconded by Carol Pass. Passed unanimously

8)      Describe Garden Work Groups: Brad thanked Gardener Lindsey Fenner for her work in putting together this new program which is designed to make the necessary garden work more fun while giving gardeners the opportunity to get to know each other better.  The sign-up-sheets were handed out after the meeting.

9)      Steering Committee Election discussion.
a.       Election date – May 11,2013
b.      Brad Pass and Lynn Mayo are up for reelection if they wish to continue serving
c.       Linnea Hadaway and Kevin Chavis have another year to serve
d.      EPIC will appoint an EPIC Board member and any EPIC Board Member may serve at any meeting for the purpose of achieving a quorum.
10)  Gardener Obligations:
a.      Gardeners in each plot must put in at least 6 hours each year of work on Garden projects other than their own Plot
b.      Plots must be planted by June 8th  (or they will be reassigned)
c.       Water (Conserve Water – use rain barrel water FIRST)
d.      The water valve in the shed must be turned off and the shed and garden gates must be locked at all times when no Gardeners are in the Garden!!!
e.       Plot Fees are due on plot assignment. Contact SC member for an Alternate Payment Plan if necessary
f.       No digging deeper than 12 inches. The polluted land was remediated by the City before it was purchased and 18 inches of clean black dirt was spread over the entire garden. Therefore, so as not to stir up potentially polluted soil beneath the new dirt, digging deeper that 12 inches anywhere in the Garden is prohibited!

11)  Assign available Garden plots:  Plot #1, Nanda Neupane; Plot #2, Khem Neupane; Plot #4, Om & Hari Poudel; Plot #8, Rachel Smith; Plot #15, Irene Holley; Plot#17, Lorena Ramirez; Plot #21, Marie Holm

12)  Garden Tour:  Steering Committee member Linnea Hadaway created a Garden Tour for all gardeners and specifically for all new gardeners. The tour is mandatory if you are a new gardener in the East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden. Please contact Linnea or Brad (612-916-8478) to schedule your tour. The tour explains Garden Water use and Conservation, Access to the Garden Shed, Composting, Garden Policies and Procedures, the No Dig Policy and many more nuances of the Garden.

13)  Pay Garden Plot Fee   ($505.00 in fees & donations were collected)

14)  Adjourn: Every Gardener must sign the Garden Use Agreement, Pay their Plot Fee & sign up for Work Groups

NOTE:  The seven-page Handout which was passed out at the above meeting is available in written format or as email attachments. Contact Brad Pass, 612-916-8478,  email;

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