Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Garden Steering Committee Meeting 3.8.22

 Steering Committee Meeting

March 8, 2022

  1. Questions for David about finances and financial procedures:

  • Funding for upkeep i.e. trees, tools, fencing etc. - EPIC as property owners has responsibility to maintain a safe environment 

  • EPIC approved $300 for food and entertainment for the garden using their unallocated funds

  • Purchase in accordance with budget

    • Sarah does purchasing

    • Over $50 - things on budget - to finance department - give FYI

      • 2 day notice

    • Over $500 - purchase request form - create google form so others can use

    • Over $1,000 - board approval

  • Be in contact with David if budget changes significantly

  • Draft budget (organizing workgroup creates) - EPIC allocation approved by EPIC board in their budget - make explicit motions - amount for EEF and food

    • Send to board once approved by gardeners

  • Separate EEF and EPIC allocation on garden budget

  1. First garden work day?

    1. April 2? - sometime in April, early May

  2. Check in about outreach

    1. How’s it going?

      1. Question for Emrys: 

        1. Fawn note: Has survey about community space to add to email outreach. and job postings for immersion prog.

          1. What does this mean?

    2. Look at Spreadsheet to track information gathered during outreach

      1. Plug into Plot map we can collaborate on as we get info 

    3. 4 open plots - start assigning 

  3. Prepare for Garden Meeting on Saturday

    1. Here is a draft agenda

  4. Better ways to deal with plant diseases

    1. Powdery Mildew 

      1. options for burning infected plant material?

        1. (She offered the compost bin on the north end by her and Dave's plot.) 

        2. Make sure that we are following both the City and insurance rules.

      2. Use of potassium bicarbonate

      3. Ask Stephen Gregg?

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