Tuesday, June 28, 2022

June General Garden Meeting 6.2.22

 June Garden Meeting

Present: Hindolo, Sarah, Emrys, Israel, Lindsey, Steve


  1. Welcome and grounding

  2. Go around

  1. People’s Land Network//Garden Coordinator//Permaculture Education//Parks and Rec Youth Programming

    1. Whole garden vision and design process

      1. Community events and networks mutual aid

      2. Permaculture

      3. Collective stewardship

      4. Youth and community deep knowledges

      5. Intergenerational

      6. Skill shares and volunteering

      7. Event curation

      8. Perennials and food forest

      9. Build capacity

      10. Activate space

      11. Art and design and justice

      12. Curriculum development

      13. Mission and vision into structure and function

    2. Permaculture - Hindolo - difficult to find summer camps

      1. Youth and adults - teach about permaculture

        1. Drop off kids? Or parents can be a part of

      2. Hindolo getting certification this month

      3. July or August - one week long

      4. Workshop at next garden organizing meeting

        1. Bring to next garden meeting with some of the issues worked out

          1. Outline of what one week workshop would look like

          2. Budget

  2. Function of physical space

    1. Working in education piece to the maintenance of the physical space

      1. I.e. compost with youth programming

  3. Review and vote 

  1. Discuss whether to hire a garden coordinator 

    1. Notes from last month’s meeting:

      1. Emrys shared she wants to make changes to the job description

      2. Luke question - who coordinator reports to and get orders from? - as the job description is currently written, the Executive Coordinator

      3. Concerns about vaccine requirement 

    2. Outreach notes:

      1. One gardener shared via email that they think hiring someone will be crucial in the new structure

      2. One gardener shared they approve of hiring a garden coordinator, said it makes sense especially since the garden requires is so much coordinating

      3. Two gardeners shared it sounds like a great idea

^^Two gardeners approve of hiring a garden coordinator

^^A gardener shared: As far as the proposed changes I like the changes to the garden flow chart, charter, policies, budget and the creation of a garden coordinator. I think they are necessary updates to the garden organization language and the garden coordinator should hopefully help with better maintenance and more engagement to foster a stronger community garden group.

  1. Notes from today’s meeting:

    1. Might be hard to find someone for 4 hrs/week

    2. Will need to work on permaculture workshop

    3. Proposed changes to bring to board:

      1. Highly prefer someone who is familiar with the garden and the community - continue to resource gardeners for these roles

      2. Range of 4 - 10 hours depending on the schedule of the candidate found

      3. Concern about vaccine requirement, leave up to EPIC

MOTION: The gardeners move the garden Coordinator position with the above changes and recommendations to the EPIC board of directors, LF, HP, Approved.

  1. Reminder: 

    1. Every gardener should have their garden worked by the 2nd weekend in June (June 11). The plot may be reassigned after that date if there is no indication of an attempt to garden the plot.

    2. Garden plot fees were due March 31st. Garden plot fees are $30 and garden keys are $5 each. If we did not get your plot fee by the deadline your plot may be reassigned. You can drop off garden plot fees at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Ave) - just drop them in the slot to the right of the door.

      1. Make checks payable to “EPIC Garden”. They may be mailed to the EPIC Office at 2433 Bloomington Ave., Mpls., MN 55404. If you pay with cash, put it in a sealed envelope with EPIC Garden in the address line and your Name, Plot Number, and the amount you are paying under it.  Then put the envelope in the mail slot on the Right Side (South Side) of the EPIC Office door at 2433 Bloomington Ave. S. 

    3. Please sign waiver/contract as soon as possible. You can find them in the garden shed on the chairs to the right as you enter the shed or at the EPIC office. Email sarah@eastphillips if you would prefer to sign digitally via Adobe Sign and she can send it over to you.

    4. Be sure to maintain (weed, mow) the paths surrounding your plot

    5. Garden Meetings are the first Thursdays. The next garden meeting will be July 7 at 6pm

    6. Garden Organizing Workgroup meetings are the third Thursdays of the month at 5pm. The next garden meeting is June 16 at 5pm.

  2. Announcements

    1. Lindsey plans on being in the garden Tuesday mornings - 830-930ish?

      1. Gardeners are welcome to join her weekly to tend to general garden tasks

    2. Water update: 

  1. Starting to record precipitation, can check here for rainfall in the garden:  https://maps.cocorahs.org/ and search by zip code 55404.  Station number is  MN-HN-418 but it's the only station in Phillips. I report daily at around 7am for the previous 24-hour period.

  1. Lindsey can pick up seeds for folks from the Hosmer Seed library. We have a pretty good selection, but can't promise exact varieties. Email at lindseyafenner@gmail.com

  1. Looking for help to maintain the herb and perennial flower gardens, including DIY ideas for better plant signage. Also looking for feedback on what folks would like to see planted in the empty spaces or have extras to donate. Here's a list of what's already there or planned for this spring: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yiXEnIVf0XatnFJWs6Q3vwaPNoxn6PdvmSnPUFF-xe8/edit?usp=sharing   lindseyafenner@gmail.com

  1. Looking for donations for the Little Free Pantry in front of the garden. The things that tend to go the fastest are: Plastic bottled beverages (water, gatorade), single serving snacks/ready-to-eat meals, personal care items (most helpful). You can drop donations off on Lindsey's porch (the little white house to the north/right of the garden) for storage. Because the doors on the little free library are broken, things that are in plastic packaging are better than cardboard packaging to keep out moisture/squirrels...


  1. Garden Work Day

  • Clean out shed and behind shed

  • Put up bulletins

  • Compost area

  1. Larger community level garden stuff

    1. NACDI, LERA

    2. Roundabout

  2. Garden maintenance updates

    1. Fence redesign idea

    2. Tree work

    3. Compost

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