Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Garden Steering Committee Meeting 11.1.21


Garden Steering Committee Meeting

November 1, 2021


Events - what events to bring to EPIC Board Meeting

       Garden events

       Spring (May) work day; Fall (October) work day

       Harvest party

       Cherry picking festival

       Swap recipes, cherry recipes

       Workshops, trainings etc.

       Soil building workshop, tool sharpening, Narcan training, fruit tree care (pruning workshop)


-Wood chip delivery

            -November 5th drop off

-any more end of season garden tasks

            -mulch fruit trees

            -use to maintain paths, along fence line

            -along neighbors new fence line

            -send fall report

                        -garden party update

                        -list of things we’d like to get done

                        -second fall work day - Sunday, November 14 1-3pm

                        -use woodchips on plots

                        --back up list of people who are willing to help with snow removal

                        -who would like a plot next year?

-plan for snow removal

            -in past Brad has done

            -Sarah will shovel, use back up list when out of town

-first ask- asking gardeners if they think they'll be returning in 2022



-enough to cover compost delivery from city in spring?

            -delivery fee?



-anything we need to do for EPIC for 2022 budget-making

-property taxes- tax exempt status


Bylaws- city okay with putting this off?


Sharps box status



       currently general members elect steering committee

       what gives power to the gardeners?

       what are the channels of participation for the general gardeners

       how do policies get made?

       can be done by gardeners

       put together an easily understandable explanation about how the garden fits into EPIC, how the charter fits in etc. to give it context and make it approachable



       Policies and procedures

       need to go by EPIC Operating Policies and Procedures for a lot

       make more detailed budget for garden, don’t need further approval for those items

       process for spending garden plot fee money

       process for spending money allocated by EPIC to garden

       Process for spending Seward grant money


Outreach and Community

       Intake process

       questions to ask at intake

       preferred way of communication

       preferred way to be involved

       what kind of decisions they want to give input about

       centering BIPOC neighbors, tenants and neighbors who historically have less access to land

       Create an outreach plan

       Discuss what type of events/meetings can take place at the garden

       What’s the scope of events at the garden


Green Infrastructure

       How to cover Gardening tasks

       Mowing, weed whipping, taking care of materials dumped in garden


       Finalize a proposal for fence and tree removal

       Bring to gardeners in spring

       Keep in mind - Seward grant


Nitty gritty

       revamp garden agreement

       what to expect/ask of gardeners i.e. participate in garden meetings, number of hours volunteer with general upkeep of garden

       Communication list - clean up


Notes on people’s skills:

Lauren: Teamwork, spirituality, network building, facilitating, event planning, permaculture, mycology, and visioning, working with children and adults with special needs

Lindsey: keeping notes, research, keeping track of information, making an agenda so it gets done, ethnobotany, growing things that are drought and climate resilient, things that will support non-human ecosystem

Flo: meeting logistics, helping to set agendas, helping to facilitate, seed to table, educational, especially with young people, weeding, lens based work - photography or videography, PR type stuff

            =Flo would like to be a part of big picture convos

-Flo likes idea of less meetings, and having work groups

Gabe: carpentry, grant writing




Garden Tasks:                                                                        Lead:

Determine who is on the Garden Steering Committee


Call everyone who gardened last year to see if they want a plot

● Follow script, tell them how to return garden use agreement and plot fees


Plot distribution


Put out rain barrels late March/early April


Turn on water once the risk of freezing has passed – usually takes a week for it to turn on. Turn water off


Go over garden use agreement, garden tour, give keys


Prioritize tasks that must be done i.e. fencing


Coordinate work days - ongoing and one time


Decide if compost order is needed


After first Saturday of June - go through garden and mark plots that haven’t been planted. Reach out to those gardeners and check in. If no longer want plot, move to wait list, prorate plot fee ($15)


Maintain Plot map


Maintain Contact List including wait list


Receive, log and deposit plot fees


Taxes - if applicable


Recommend budget and plot fee amount


Buying stuff


Making keys


Distributing keys


Give orientation tours


Meeting agendas


Meeting notes


Meeting reminders


Meeting outreach


New Gardener outreach


Meeting facilitation


Organizing work groups/work days


Fall Harvest party - planning and outreach


Mowing, weeding boulevard, trash, fires





















Garden Steering Committee Meeting 10.4.21


East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden

Garden Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

October 4, 2021



Facilitator: Emrys

Notetaker: Sarah S


Updates on Fall Harvest Party

       1-6pm on Saturday October 16

       Open garden format

       Indigenous food (prepackaged in compostable containers), drumming, paint/carve pumpkins, fire

       Welcome table - Steve can help, but would like someone from steering committee as well - Lindsey - 3/4--6 . Emrys 1-3.

       General info about garden

       Including how to reserve a plot (flyer with contact info + sheet to sign up?)


       Spring call back out

       Guidelines: East Phillips resident, interested in being involved, finding out how to get a plot

       Flyer about steering committee meetings throughout the winter

       Flyer about fall work day

       Check in with Fawn


Straw bales, burlap coffee bags, mulch (free)


Budget - $1,000


       The tree work for the mulberry at s.w. corner of garden, to enable compost and mulch delivery would cost $50 (quote lists $75 for this tree, i think the estimated difference is for full work v just trim up to expedite mulch delivery timeline)

       Once we schedule this tree work he can start delivering free mulch within the next couple weeks, as needed and available.

       For all pruning and tree removal needs - estimate is $1,107.26

       Fencing needs

       Quote from Matt is

       $400.00 Posts, boards, concrete, screws.

       Labor - $300 Approximately 10 hours at $25 an hour, plus travel time (for materials and disposal).

       Total - $700

       Idea that EPIC purchases materials, cuts down on liability with driving for EPIC materials and then wouldn’t require a W-9 (required for payment over $600)

       Then do independent contractor waiver so make clear he is not covered under our liability insurance, worker’s comp etc.

       Work on proposal - Emrys doesn’t like the current proposal

       Seward grant - checked in with Brad about our questions - this money is in the EPIC bank account ($3,200.45 remaining), no reporting requirements

       Supposed to be used on: fencing needs, repairs to shed, stipend for kids to help with this work

       Designing a fence that doesn’t need constant maintenance, i.e. not using fence design that’s only purpose is to keep people out, having a space that integrates ecological space, functional human space and permaculture

       Ex. solid raised beds with trellis above

       Workshop to build concrete with murals

       Blacksmiths and youth do design process

       Work corner by corner - whichever area needs attention - focus on that

       What makes sense for this part?

       Instead of investing so much money into new materials - use old lumber and make do

       Emrys has scrap lumber

       Reuse old mesh

       Already have cross beams (in shed)

       Talk to hany people = next step

       Deal with trees

       How to get garden input on this?

       Phone calls?


Work day logistics

       Mow path, put chips down

       Need to trim trees

       Burlap sacks - around fruit trees

       needs car

       Emrys will connect

       Under cherry trees

       Need square shovel

       Need sod remover

       Check back in next week



Syringe Disposal check in on outreach about this

General Garden Meeting 9.11.21


East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden

Garden Meeting Minutes

September 11, 2021


Present: Emrys, Sarah, Lindsey

Facilitator: Emrys

Notetaker: Sarah S


9:00- 9:05 Gathering. Tune in, feel into the ground, come into quiet presence (Roll Call)


9:05-9:10 Opening go-around - check in


9:10-9:15 Announcements

       DJR Architecture has proposed a 3 story, 6 unit apartment building for 2425 16th Ave S

       There will be a meeting with DJR Architecture and MPHA to discuss this proposal on Wednesday, September 22nd at 6:30pm at the EPIC garden on 17th Avenue that is open to the public

       Next Steering Committee Meeting is Monday, October 4 at 7pm

       Starting in November: First Mondays at 10am

       Next General Garden Meeting is Saturday, October 9 at 9am - no meeting go to clean sweep!

       Fall Harvest Party is Saturday, October 16

       We are working on putting together a fall work day! Fill out your availability for the week of October 17-23 so we can find a time to rake around the fruit trees, put unplanted plots to bed, mulch paths, drain rain barrels etc.

       October 23rd 3-5pm


Updates - TABLED

1)     Green and Built infrastructure

       Brandon (Emry’s Arborist friend) looked over garden trees

       cherry tree is salvageable - might need chemical treatment

       Recommends Rainbow tree care for chemical treatment

       Brandon is writing up bid

       Step up hygiene around fruit trees

       Trim large mulberry in back so he can back up truck

       will give us mulch

       Go ahead on small load of mulch?

       Do larger load in the fall for beds, paths etc.

       Who is interested in learning to prune fruit trees?

2)     Transition team and admin/visioning

       Updated Charter amendment - include in announcement email

       Will bring to General Garden Meeting

       Next will be brought to EPIC board meeting

3)     Outreach and Community

       Harm reduction

       Syringe box - alley or in front of garden in boulevard?

       Jack from SHRS recommends placing it where the most syringes are

       Update on Narcan training - Fawn

       Building soil workshop - Lauren

4)     Finance

a)     Grants

b)     Budget

                                               i)          EPIC approved of $1,000 for garden (until Dec. 2021)

                                              ii)          EPIC requesting $5,000 for garden in Equitable Engagement plan (Jan 2022-Dec 2022)


2021 Budget





EPIC contributes


To Date:

Property Tax
















          Paid plots as of 9/8/21:      705.00


                    Water: 4/29-5/12: $88.56

5/12-6/12: $39.25

6/12-7/12: $27.46

7/12-8/12: $45.86


9:40 Adjourn

            -Due to only steering committee members being present, we adjourned early