Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Garden Steering Committee Meeting 9.7.21


East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden

Garden Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

September 7, 2021


Present: Emrys, Lindsey, Sarah

Facilitator: Emrys

Notetaker: Sarah S


7:00- 7:05 Gathering. Tune in, feel into the ground, come into quiet presence (Roll Call)


7:05-7:10 Opening go-around - check in


7:10-7:15 Announcements

       Next General Garden Meeting is Saturday, September 11 at 9am

       Next Steering Committee Meeting is Monday, October 4 at 7pm

       Corcoran Pollinator Project meeting is tomorrow (Wednesday, September 8) at 6pm, in coordinator’s yard across from Corcoran Park


7:15-7:25 Committee Updates

1)     Finance

a)     Insurance policy

b)     Banking

c)     Grants

d)     Budget

                                               i)          EPIC approved of $1,000 for garden (until Dec. 2021)

                                              ii)          EPIC requesting $5,000 for garden in Equitable Engagement plan (Jan 2022-Dec 2022)

2)     Outreach and Community

a)     Harm reduction

                                               i)          Syringe box

                                              ii)          Narcan event

                                            iii)          Harvest Party

(1)   Have planned for 3rd Saturday of October (October 16)


                                            iv)          Covid Policy



3)     Transition team and admin/visioning

a)     Updated Charter amendment

       Will bring to General Garden Meeting

       Next will be brought to EPIC board meeting

b)     Wheel of the year

4)     Green and Built Infrastructure

       Short term seasonal

       Tree update

       Brandon (Emry’s Arborist friend) looked over garden trees

       cherry tree is salvageable - might need chemical treatment

       Recommends Rainbow tree care for chemical treatment

       Trim large mulberry in back so he can back up truck

       will give us mulch

       Go ahead on small load of mulch?

       Do larger load in the fall for beds, paths etc.

       Brandon is writing up bid

       Step up hygiene around fruit trees

       Who is interested in learning to prune?

       Some trees may need to be removed before fencing is fixed


       South end is falling - at least 10 fence posts that are loose and falling over

       Some trees may need to be removed before fencing is fixed

       If there’s money to pay people to do it

       Ask Matt to take a look and provide a quote

       Can we use Seward grant money?

       Need report from Carol and Brad - what’s it been used on and how much has been spent

       End of 2020 - $3,200.95 left - is this correct?

       What are guidelines of grant?


       how permaculture infrastructure could replace current fencing

       Container gardens, art installation

       Edible forest

       Incorporating ADA accessibility

       Fall needs

       Lauren Evans is interested in doing a soil building workshop

       Idea to ask people whether they want a plot in the fall (rather than spring)

       Get temperature for next year - don’t ask people to commit though


7:25-7:45 Items for General Garden Meeting - include when2meet in mtg announcement email

1)     Updates from above

       Green and Built infrastructure

       Brandon (Emry’s Arborist friend) looked over garden trees

       cherry tree is salvageable - might need chemical treatment

       Recommends Rainbow tree care for chemical treatment

       Brandon is writing up bid

       Step up hygiene around fruit trees

       Trim large mulberry in back so he can back up truck

       will give us mulch

       Go ahead on small load of mulch?

       Do larger load in the fall for beds, paths etc.

       Who is interested in learning to prune fruit trees?

       Transition team and admin/visioning

       Updated Charter amendment

       Will bring to General Garden Meeting

       Next will be brought to EPIC board meeting

       Outreach and Community

       Harm reduction - ask Jack about alley or in front

       Syringe box - alley or in front of garden in boulevard?

       Update on Narcan training - Fawn

       Building soil workshop - Lauren


2)     Plan a fall work day?

       Raking around fruit trees

       Putting unplanted plots to bed

       Mulch paths

       Draining rain barrels

3)     Visioning?

       What are your wildest dreams for the garden? Utopia on 17th Ave? Why?

       What does it look like? what is growing? what does it feel like? what is happening? who is there?



7:45-8 Review commitments/next steps


8:15 Adjourn


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