East Phillips Community 17th
Ave. Garden
Gardener Meeting Minutes
June 12, 2021
Lindsey Fenner, Stacy Stiles, Flo, Megan and Luke, Steve Sandberg, A, Ali, Brad
9:00 AM Call to Order
2) Announcements
a. July Steering Committee Meeting – Monday, July 5 at 7pm Via Zoom
First Monday of the month at 7pm
b. July Garden Meeting – Saturday, July 10 at 9:00 AM Via
Saturday of the month at 9am
c. Garden Fall Harvest Party: Saturday, October 16th from
4:30 PM until the fire goes out.
3) How to Pay the Plot & Key Fee and
Submit the required Garden Use Agreement:
a. Please make checks payable
to “EPIC Garden”. Place Cash or
Check in a sealed envelope with “EPIC Garden”, your name and plot # and the amount you are paying
on the outside. Checks may be mailed to EPIC Garden, 2433 Bloomington Ave. S.,
Mpls., MN 55404. Do not mail cash. Drop envelopes into the mail slot on the
Right (South) side of the EPIC office door at the same address.
b. Garden Use Agreement Forms are located in an envelope on the EPIC
Office door (2433 Bloomington) and in the Garden Work Groups Binder in the
Garden Shed. Each gardener in each plot must read and sign the agreement and
drop it in the mail slot at the EPIC garden or leave it in the Binder in the
Garden Shed.
c. Open plots for reassignment:
4) Finances:
2021 Budget |
Paid by |
Gardeners |
Property Tax |
$384.12 |
Water |
$300.00 |
Other |
$450.00 |
$450.00 |
$684.12 |
plots as of 6/8/21: 680.00
5) Work days
○ send out when2meet for larger
■ what is top priority? - saw
down tree
■ Tools/Shed? Compost area? Fix
kinked hose/switch out hose? Other?
Hose: Bike inner tube,
hose clamp, plumber’s tube
Tree: Ben and Matt -
coordinate with Ryan, may have truck as well
● ryan.justak@gmail.com
○ ongoing work days for ongoing
■ I.e. clearing paths
■ Ryan is happy to do upkeep
● Evenings or weekends work
● Lindsey is best in the
morning and every other weekend
● Flo - morning
■ Come up with a list of
regular things to be done
6) Garden transition/organization discussion
Notes from May garden meeting:
Idea that Steering Committee has access to a shared Drive
including use agreements, history, finances
i.Paper copies for people who don’t use computers as
ii.Are people comfortable with sharing their
information with Steering Committee members?
a. Goal is that not just one
person is taking on everything, Steering Committee shares tasks
Continuity is key
Discussion from June Steering
Committee Meeting:
Make a side by side list of Brad’s tasks, Steering Committee
strengths and willingness to do tasks, as well as what volunteers can
■ Nuts and bolts: what Brad has
covered in the past, bookkeeping, administrative tasks
● Examples: Plot map, list of gardeners
○ Bigger picture: How garden
operates, how to address issues
■ Community organizing aspects
of garden (figuring out bigger questions and participatory and democratic
stuff), making it approachable, neighborly
● Idea posed to hire community
organizer for garden
■ Figure out process, replacing
duties and tasks Brad does
■ Not having a process for
decision making ex. Tool sharpening event
● More focused committees -
find a way to make these work and report back to the steering committee - more
work being done outside of the meeting
● Include a winter working
■ Look at standing processes,
standing bylaws etc.
Make policy that items to
fix garden items - anything under $50 or $100. Otherwise approval process.
from today’s meeting:
Start having garden
meetings outside in the garden
Take precautions
necessary for them
Lindsey will look at the
current COVID guidelines
- update garden rules based on that
Have a sign in sheet at
the meeting so if someone becomes symptomatic people can be contacted
Have a way for someone
who is symptomatic or quarantined to participate
● Community member thinks we stay
with Zoom meeting unless we have identified that Zoom meetings are the reason
that people aren’t attending the meeting
7) Communication and Garden Camaraderie
○ See who consents to having
their contact information shared?
■ Allows for better
■ Put in agreement going
forward (with option to opt out)
○ In person gatherings!
■ Fall harvest party
● People interested in helping
to plan? Form a planning group?
● In the past they have closed
down the street
● In the past it has been a
potluck, s’mores, musicians, pumpkin carving contest
■ Interim gatherings -
Syringe disposal
● Could at least be an
educational tool
● 2 gardeners in favor of
syringe disposal
● More trash bins? Plus a
recycling bin if possible
● If we can get trash pick up -
would need to pay
● 2 motions - needle box, trash pick up service
for the City to empty the litter container for you by adding a monthly fee to
your utility bill (all costs are before taxes and fees):
City will empty the litter container once a week for $12 a month.
City will empty the litter container twice a week for $24 a month.
City will empty the litter container three times a week for $36 a month.
Wagners - Penn and 60th - annual flowers -
put in email
ones are better for shade, which for full sun
come first serve - grab them because of heat
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