Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Garden Steering Committee Meeting 5.3.21


Garden Steering Committee Meeting

May 3 2021


Sarah will send email checking about availability for next Saturday

            -cut off tops and put cross sections in and stapling the metal fence to the posts - 4 people


Brad will check with Gabe about getting tax exemption for garden

-Property tax exemption: Here's the link to the county process/application forms, as an FYI: Property assessment special programs

I do wonder if this will be more quickly facilitated by looping in or working with someone on the EPIC board, at least so it's on their radar? My understanding is that the property tax exemption is technically through EPIC, since they are the property owner. I know in past iterations of the steering committee, there was an EPIC Board member spot.


-Compost- Sarah signed up for the city's community garden compost program. Not sure if the garden will get any, but we will keep an eye out if it comes, and let Sarah know if we need emergency help moving compost if it ends up getting dumped in the middle of the alley like last year…


-Ways to communicate with and organize gardeners, and the difficulties of doing that during a pandemic, over Zoom,, email, etc... I know in the past we've discussed just having something like a bulletin board or whiteboard on an interior shed wall (but where!), so just throwing that out there as an idea for brainstorming.


Add Emrys to email list


For Saturday’s meeting:

       Syringe disposal box - how do people feel about having a permanent box installed

       Be sure to check with the orgs/schools affiliated with children about this

       Water is on


       Plot 6 is open

       Thought to drop one of the plots and make the rest of the plots larger

       Clean paths (especially southside and westside)

       Highlight that first Saturday in June is the last day to show signs of working your plot


       What is there not enough of?

       Smaller hand tools i.e. clippers

       Digging fork

       Are people interested in having set work days?

       Or ask people to fill out When2meet

       Shed needs to be cleaned out and organized

       Transition from Brad as lead garden


       Idea that Steering Committee has access to a shared Drive use agreements, history, finances

       Paper copies for people who don’t use computers as much

       How to pay plot fee and fill out garden use agreement

       Priority items




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