Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Garden Steering Committee Meeting 7.6.21


East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden

Garden Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

July 6, 2021


Update on transition meeting:

1)     Most time sensitive: Working to create a charter for the Garden committee which is now required as a part of EPIC’s new bylaws

       Will ask at garden meeting on Saturday who would like to help in this process

       Also putting together an easily understandable explanation about how the garden fits into EPIC, how the charter fits in etc. to give it context and make it approachable

       Garden email address

2)     Less time sensitive:

       Larger changes to garden structure - work on over fall/winter

       I.e. outreach plan, decision making process (for purchases etc.)

       Make list of how things work now, what the issues are with that, how we can change it

       Making a side by side list of Brad’s tasks, Steering Committee strengths and willingness to do tasks, as well as garden volunteers

       Focus on short term for now:

Task:                                                                           Lead (who has the strengths needed)

Meeting agendas


Meeting notes


Meeting reminders


Facilitation of Steering Committee Mtgs


Facilitation of Garden Mtg




Tax Exemption Update

       Gabe has filed

       Met with Hennepin County

       Sent more information on how we use the garden for gathering space and how we use the alternative payment plan

       Update google drive with all the garden tax exemption including latest files sent via email


COVID guidelines

       Sarah proposes we adapt EPIC’s guidelines, which she developed using Lindsey’s recommendations:

      EPIC will follow CDC guidelines, unvaccinated people should wear masks while in the office or attending EPIC meetings/events. If you are vaccinated and feel more comfortable wearing a mask, please feel free to do so.

      If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, regardless of vaccination status, please do not come to an in person meeting or event at the EPIC office or elsewhere.

      EPIC will keep a contact log for in person EPIC meetings and events. The log will be used for notification purposes in the case that someone in attendance tests positive for COVID-19 or had contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

      If an attendee tests positive/was infectious at an EPIC meeting/event the attendee will notify Sarah (state this requirement on the contact log).

      EPIC will provide an online meeting option for people who choose not to be vaccinated or are immunocompromised.

      Do we want garden meetings to be in person?

      Or just special events?

      Keep garden and steering committee meetings virtual

      Have in person garden gatherings


Any open plots?


What to cover at Saturday’s general meeting


       Someone taking stack - raising hand

       Step up, step back

       Say pass (try not to interrupt) and be an active listener

       Emrys’ garden schema

       How to pay plot fee and return garden agreement

       Check in - strengths and skills inventory

       Visioning: Creating a garden development plan - short term and long term

       What do people want to see happen at the garden?

       Example: Better composting system

       Do we want to form a work group focused on this?

       Vote on syringe disposal, trash pick up service (table trash discussion to next steering committee meeting)

       Pros and cons

       Transition updates

       Who wants to be a part of charter development?

       Include background information

       Work days

       Thursday mornings - time

       Fall harvest party

       Interim gatherings - interest?




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