Wednesday, November 17, 2021

General Garden Meeting 3.13.21

East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden

Gardener Meeting Minutes

March 13th, 2021


Zoom Invitation: 

Join by phone:   312-626-6799               Meeting ID: 894 7501 3243               Passcode: 468901  


Present: Lindsey Fenner, Flo, Ryan, Steve Sandberg, Amanda and Lisa, Emrys, Schuyler, Luke Brandt, Linnea, Brad, Israel Taera, Julie Ellefson, Gloria I


1)     9:00 AM Call to Order & Introductions.

2)     Announcements & Calandar

a.      April GMM – Saturday, April 10 at 9:00 AM via ZOOM – every second Saturday of the month

Watch for Zoom Invitation

b.      April SCM – To be determined

c.      EPIC Annual Meeting & Board Elections -  Saturday, April 24th starting at 10 A.M. Via ZOOM

d.      May SCM –  To be determined

e.      May GMM – May 8 at 9:00 AM via ZOOM

f.       Phillips Clean Sweep: Saturday October 9. Details Pending

g.      Garden Fall Harvest Party & Pot-Luck: Saturday, October 16th from 4:30 PM until the fire goes out. (Covid permitting)


3)     Garden Use Agreement

a.      Reviewed Garden Use Agreement

                                                    i.     Print out, sign by all adults who will be gardening

                                                  ii.     Return with $30 plot fee to 2433 Bloomington Ave (mail or drop in mail slot on RIGHT side of the EPIC office door)

1.      Can email back to

2.      Can find printed garden use agreements on the EPIC office door and at the garden message board

4)     Review Basic Garden Policies & Procedures.

5)     Finances: 


2021 Budget



Paid by



Property Tax






Unpaid Plots (15%)










4)      2021 Plot Fee
At $30.00 per plot, we will raise $960.00 assuming all plots are filled & paid - $131.88 Over Budget.   We can request donations from those gardeners who are able and continue with our alternative payment plan for those who have trouble with the plot fee.

5)     Determine Garden tools that are needed & plan a shopping trip.

6)     Gardener Obligations

                                          i.     Garden Work Groups and Policy (6 Hrs./Plot/Year beyond time required to maintain your plot)

1.      Review Work Groups & paperwork

2.      Keep track of your time on the Time Sheet in the Green Work-Groups Binder in the Garden Shed.

3.      The first jobs are to repair fencing, put out the rain barrels, Re-establish paths, do a little fruit-tree trimming, clean and organize the shed and reorganize the Compost.

4.      Garden water will be turned on after the danger of freezing is over.

                                        ii.     Plots must be planted by the first Saturday in June, June 5th   (or they will be reassigned)

                                       iii.     Water (Conserve Water – use rain barrel water FIRST)

                                       iv.     Plot Fees are due on plot assignment. Contact SC member for an Alternate Payment Plan if necessary.

                                         v.     Not all gardeners are able to pay all or part of the plot fee but we want them to be able to garden anyway. So, we have an Alternative  Payment Plan. If you are unable to pay, contact a steering committee member. If some are able to pay a little more, it will be very much appreciated and help cover he Alternate Payment Plan and other garden expenses.

--Fruit trees: may need to hire an expert

7)     Plot Map
Determine empty plots and reassign to wait list.

8)     Determine date & time for new gardeners to take the Garden Orientation Tour.

9)     Sign Garden Use Agreement and Pay Plot Fee.

Garden Plot fee is $30.00 each and Garden keys are $5.00 each.
Make checks payable to “EPIC Garden”. They may be mailed to the EPIC Office at 2433 Bloomington Ave., Mpls., MN 55404. If you pay with cash, put it in a sealed envelope with EPIC Garden in the address line and your Name, Plot Number, and the amount you are paying under it.  Then put the envelope in the mail slot on the Right Side (South Side) of the EPIC Office door at 2433 Bloomington Ave. S. Receipts will be made out for every payment and will be available in the Garden from Brad or steering committee members.

The Garden Use Agreement must be signed by everyone who gardens any plot in the Garden. Print a copy and fill out all the spaces on the bottom of the page. It can be mailed to or dropped in the EPIC Office mail slot as with the payments above.


Covid-19 Garden Policy:

When the Covid Situation allows, Gardener meetings will be moved back to the Garden and the Steering Committee will meet in the EPIC Office or the Garden. We look forward to that time.

In the meantime, Face Masks must be worn and social distancing must be observed in the Garden. Your own gloves must be worn when using Community Garden Tools. Be safe, wash your hands and do not come to the garden if you have any symptoms of Covid-19 or have been in recent contact with anyone with Covi-19.


Enjoy your time in the Garden and again, be safe.



10)  Adjourn


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